During the 2014–2020 programming period of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as „EU“) fund investments, the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation administers more than EUR 1,0 billion from EU funds. These investments focus on research, experimental development and innovation (R & D & I), promoting competitiveness of small and medium-sized business, the enhancement of energy efficiency of industrial enterprises, the dissemination of information related to natural and cultural objects, the development of social business and the increase of competence of human resources. The 2014–2020 programming period is different from the previous one (2007–2013) as the support under business instruments are exclusively granted to small and medium-sized business. Financial instruments (loans, guarantees, risk capital funds, etc.) and partial compensation of interest are more widely applied. Funds are invested in new activities (eg supporting the business clustering process), providing consultations through the established Network of Business Consultants. The range of types of measures implemented through the global grant (checks) has been expanded, the administrative burden on applicants has been reduced, and transparency has been increased. Informal negotiations are ongoing on the 2021–2027 EU funds investment programs for Lithuania. Lithuania is the third approved EU country by the EC for 2021–2027 Partnership Agreement, laying down Lithuania's investment strategy worth €6.4 billion in cohesion policy funding for the period 2021–2027. The Partnership Agreement covers 3 programmes: Programme for the EU funds’ investments in 2021–2027, Programme of the Lithuanian fisheries sector 2021–2027 and the Programme for the Reduction of Material Deprivation.
During the 2014–2020 programming period, major focus and support is given to research, development and innovation R&D&I (about EUR 396 million), small and medium-sized business development (about EUR 541 million), the enhancement of energy efficiency of industrial enterprises (EUR 23 million), the dissemination of information related to natural and cultural objects (about EUR 25 million), the development of social business ((EUR 2,9 million) and the increase of competence of human resources (about EUR 84 million).
The support for R&D&I covers the most important areas like research, development and innovation, the promotion of clustering, the promotion and spread of innovation, the attraction of foreign direct investment and the enhancement of demand for innovation.
The 2014–2020 programming period is different from the previous one (2007-2013) as the support under business instruments are exclusively granted to small and medium-sized business. In 2014-2020, the granting of the EU fund investments is encouraged through financial instruments rather than subsidies. Another distinctive feature of the 2014–2020 programming period is access to support at more favorable terms for those companies which will be implementing projects in the regions.
In 2014-2020 programming period, the support for small and medium-sized business is focused on the promotion of entrepreneurship, the enhancement of productivity and export (including also private tourism support initiatives) as well as the introduction of eco-innovation.
In addition, considerable focus will be placed on investment through financial instruments (loans, guarantees, risk capital funds, etc.) as this support granting approach is less likely to distort competition. Moreover, this generates the return of funds which may be re-invested in other companies.
During the 2014-2020 programming period, EU innvestments to both small and large industrial enterprises are given seeking to reduce their energy intensity aiming to promote the use of renewable energy resources and the enhancement of energy efficiency of industrial enterprises; investments are also given to companies for carrying out of energy audits.
Unlike in 2007-2013 programming period, when the EU support was mainly targeted at public tourism infrastructure, in 2014-2020 programming period, the EU fund investments for public tourism are exclusively aimed to increase awareness about the objects of natural and cultural heritage. The EU investments (about EUR 25 million) are focused on various tourism marketing instruments, designed to promote natural and cultural heritage objects, situated on the national tourism routes, as well as the object marking.
The EU investments (about EUR 2.9 million) are provided for the promotion of new social business aiming to focus on addressing social problems of socially vulnerable individuals who are sensitive to socio-economic challenges and risks. A new 'Support for social business' pilot measure is implemented and aimed to provide society with the services and goods needed to solve specific social problems.
During the 2014-2020 programming period, the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation offers EU investments for implementing projects aimed to raise and develop apprenticeship and sectorial competences as well as create the forecasting and development mechanism of the monitoring of human resources.
During programming period of 2007-2013, the EU investment areas under the competence of the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation were focused on business, including research & development, business environment, tourism and energy sectors. During the 2007–2013 programming period, according to measures administrated by the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation more than 3.6 thousand projects for 1.5 billion euro were successfully implemented. The projects were completed according to the guidelines adopted by European Commission in Decision C (2013) 1573 (the provisions of the guidelines for the closure of adopted operational programs supported by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund (2007-2013)) and the Minister of Finance Order on the approval of the timetable for the development, coordination and submission to the European Commission of the action plan for the completion of the European Union structural support 2007-2013 programming period and the documents which must be submitted to the European Commission before 31st March, 2017.
General description
uropean Union structural assistance in 2007-2013 was provided under these main documents:
The investment areas under competence of Ministry of Economy during programming period of 2007-2013 were focused on business, including research & development, business environment, tourism and energy sectors.